About Me

I grew up in Honolulu, HI and left home for Seattle to attend the University of Washington for my undergraduate degree. After four years as an undergrad I received a B.S.E.E. (Electrical Engineering) and decided to stay at UW for graduate work. I finished my Ph.D in Electrical Engineering, working in the BioRobotics Lab on a project developing a next generation robotic telesurgery system.

Until I came to college did not I truly discover my passion for knives. Since about 1999 I have become continually more involved with the knife community. In the past I attend about four or five major shows a year, plus the small local ones. Trying to finish grad school cut into my knife show travel.

Part of my knife-collecting hobby was to photograph and review knives in my collection. When I first began to learn about custom knives, I always appreciated people who would give thorough and honest reviews and share quality images. When I began my own collection I returned the favor by offering my own reviews and photographs. I do so for many reasons. First and foremost it helps a potentially unknown maker get some exposure. It also allows other collectors, new or experienced, to see a knifemaker’s current work and see how they are progressing.

Becoming friends with many talented knifemakers helped motive my own creative passion. I started with rings, primarily in Timascus and Stainless Damascus as well as Timascus pens constructed from high quality kits. In 2014 I made my first spinning top – since then it has been the primary focus of my work.

Mitch Lum Machined Accessories on Facebook


Making Damascus with Tom Ferry and Bill Cottrell cira 2004