Bay Area Knife Collectors Association Knifeshow 2001

This is only the second big show I've been to, and I had a blast!  Flew down and while walking to my hotel room on Friday I spotted Randy Morgan who was talking to Murray White and his wife.  After dinner with Murray and Phyllis met up with Daniel O'Malley ( and we hung out for a while before heading down to the bar.  It was a great crowd, Randy and his wife, Jeff Peltz, Ken Onion, Larry Chew, Vince and Larry (, Recluse, Sniperboy, AncientSUL, Murray and his wife, Daniel, and myself.  

On Saturday morning I couldn't help but wake up early in anticipation of the show.  Got in and met up with the Bybee's (  Waited in line at Ken's table for about an hour (Ken was making is sweat - damn guy! ;) )  The feeding frenzy at Ken's table once the knives came out was in my opinion a fiasco!...but moving on...I walked the show and saw a lot of great work.  I pleased by great showing from Hawaii, George Gibo, Stan Fujisaka, Tom Mayo and Ken Onion.  

I really liked Phil B.'s Cobra with the flipper thing.     Quite an amazing action for having no bearings - just phosphor-bronze washers and a bushing, and VERY tight tolerances.  His knives were some of the one's just couldn't put down.  Also very impressive was the works of Scott Slobodian, Anders Hogstrom, Vince Evans and Scott Cook.  

The Saturday night social had great food - one of the marks of a really great knife show according to Daniel O'Malley.  I think I must have had about five of those prime rib sandwiches - sorry for those that didn't get :(.

Sunday morning the Bybee's came with some Krispy Kreme doughnuts - ahhhh...kremey...!!!  But of course the day went by too fast and before I knew it, it was time to get on the shuttle so I could fly back to Seattle and start a new school year.  Thanks Randy and BAKCA for putting on a great weekend!  I'm looking forward to next year! 


You can click on some of the names to link to their website

Ken Onion, Stan Fujisaka and his wife

George Gibo and his wife

The mele at Tom Mayo's table! Jerome in the foreground, Hermes in green, and Jeff Peltz in the background

Phil B. and his wife (sorry I still can't pronounce or spell their last name...

Larry and Vince of

Mayo or Hossom - you decide! David went with both!

Scott Cook - former CRK shop foreman making some great knives on his own now!  Good luck Scott!

Along with some very nice knives Scott provided snacks!  I ended up with two of his paring knives.

Vince Evans and his wife.  Truly amazing swords.

Robert Weinstock - the man is unbelievable! 

Swords and other amazing pieces by Scott Slobodian.

Thanks to Randy Morgan and the rest of BAKCA for putting on a great show!


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