The Plaza Cutlery, Evening with the Arts is a biennial event featuring the work from some of the best custom knifemakers in the world. This is not just a knife show, but truly a event. The exhibitors consist solely of custom knifemakers who are bringing their best work. There is a balanced representation of makers from different genres including tactical, art, forged/Damascus, slip joints, etc. As all of the work in the room is highly sought after, the knives are sold either by lottery, open bid or closed bid. During the first hour or so, collectors can browse through the room, meeting the makers, checking out their work, and getting in the lotteries for the knives they want. Then, the bar opens and the food comes out - a great spread for everyone to enjoy! Collectors and makers mingle over drinks, great food, and dessert while continuing to check out the knives. Then, the open and closed bid auctions are finalized followed by the lottery draws. Collectors crowd makers tables during the drawings to see who the lucky winners were. During the buying frenzy, collectors swirl through the room to find out which knives they've won the opportunity to buy. Occasionally a collector will get more lucky than his or her pocketbook can afford and will yield to buy certain pieces to another collector. When the buying winds down, collectors can be seen find out what others got and showing off their new toys. As the event closes, the party rolls on. The new location in the Costa Mesa Hilton features a lobby bar where all were free to wheel and deal into the wee hours of the night.